Beverley Dental Clinic
We currently do not have the services of a dentist.
Beverley District Hospital
The Beverley District Hospital is located in Sewell Street, Beverley. This facility is operated by the WA Health Department and provides a range of health and ancillary services, including emergency treatment.
Tel: 9646 3200
Fax: 9646 1157
Beverley Frail Aged Lodge (Aka Alex Miles Lodge)
The Beverley Frail Aged Lodge is located in Alex Miles House, 1 Ernest Drive, Beverley. This community-operated facility provides accommodation and care for frail aged persons. Located next to the hospital, residents are provided with quality care and treatment.
Beverley Medical Practice
The Beverley Medical Practice is located at 106 Forrest Street, Beverley. The Practice is operated by Dr Remi Adebayo. The Practice provides a complete health care to Beverley and surrounding communities in a relaxed and friendly environment.
Please CLICK HERE for the Beverley Medical Practice Information Sheet.
The Shire of Beverley proudly supports the Beverley Medical Practice by providing accommodation and equipment.
Tel: 9646 1241
Fax: 9646 1049
Email: [email protected]
Beverley Pharmacy
Located in Vincent Street, this QCPP Accredited pharmacy provide a full range of pharmacy products and services including, prescriptions, health screenings, health foods, vitamin supplements, Homy Peds footware, cosmetics and gifts.
Tel: 9646 1134
Child Health Clinic
The Child Health Nurse - Lisa Way is available in the Clinic or for home visits on Fridays, 9:00am to 4:00pm at the Allied Health Building (where Physio and Speech Therapy are held).
For an appointment please contact the hospital on 9646 3200 or ph 0427 901 321.
Please contact Lisa for the dates and times of the next immunisation clinic.
Tel: 9646 3200