Building Permits
What Needs a Building Permit?
Under Western Australian Legislation (Building Act 2011) a Building permit is required before commencement of most building work. A Building permit is required for any work involving the development of new structures, alterations or extensions and changes in ground levels. These include:
- Dwellings and Additions
- Commercial and Industrial
- Carports and Patios
- Sheds and Garages
- Front fences
- Retaining Walls
- Decking
- Rainwater Tanks
- Swimming Pools and Spas
Some forms of development, including new houses outside the Beverley townsite may also require separate Planning Consent (see under Town Planning). The planning approval process must be completed before you can submit your application for a Building Permit. A fee for Planning Approval in addition to the Building Permit application fees will be payable.
Applying for a Building Permit
When you apply for a building permit, you must consider whether to lodge a certified application or choose to lodge an uncertified application. In either case, a signed certificate of design compliance (CDC) is required before approval can be given. A CDC confirms that a building’s design complies with the applicable building standards.
Certified and Uncertified Applications
A certified application is where you engage a registered building surveyor to complete a CDC before the application for a building permit is submitted. The CDC will need to accompany the application for a building permit certified Form BA1. If all other required approvals have been obtained, the permit authority has ten business days to approve or reject your application. Applications for Class 1b and Class 2 to 9 must be lodged as certified applications. Applications for Class 1a and 10 may be lodged as certified applications or uncertified.
An uncertified application can only be lodged for Class 1a and 10 residential buildings using a Form BA2. Once your application is submitted the permit authority will assess compliance with the Building Code of Australia and complete the relevant certification (CDC) before it can grant a building permit. The permit authority has 25 business days to approve or reject your application. For a timely approval it is important to ensure plans and specifications, including engineering certification, submitted with your application demonstrate compliance with the Building Code of Australia and all other relevant approvals have been obtained before your application is submitted.
Application Fees
Certified Application for a Building Permit (s. 16(1))
For building work for a Class 1 or Class 10 Building or incidental structure the fee is 0.19% of the estimated value of the building work as determined by the relevant permit authority, but not less than $105.00.
For building work for a Class 2 to Class 9 building or incidental structure the fee is 0.09% of the estimated value of the building work as determined by the relevant permit authority, but not less than $105.00.
Uncertified Application for a Building Permit (s. 16(1))
The fee is 0.32% of the estimated value of the building work as determined by the relevant permit authority, but not less than $105.00.
Application for a Demolition Permit (s. 16(1))
For demolition work in respect of a Class 1 or Class 10 building or incidental structure the fee is $105.00.
For demolition work in respect of a Class 2 to Class 9 building the fee is $105.00 for each storey of the building.
Application to Extend the Time During Which a Building or Demolition Permit has effect (s. 32(3)(f))
The fee is $105.00.
Inspection of Pool Enclosures (regulation 53)
The fee is $58.45.
BSL (Building Services Levy)
The amount of Building Services Levy payable will vary according to the type of application and, where applicable, the value of building works undertaken. The table below shows the application types that attract BSL and how much should be paid to the local government permit authority.

For more information on the Building Services Levy visit:
The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund (BCITF) Levy applies to all residential, commercial and civil engineering projects undertaken in Western Australia where the total value of construction is estimated to be more than $20,000.
It’s the revenue generated from the BCITF Levy that enables CTF to help build the skills required in the contemporary construction industry.
The rate of the levy is 0.2% of the total value of construction (inclusive of GST) or $200 in every $100,000 worth of project value.
For further information visit : or contact the Building Surveyor who is available on Thursdays.