Contact Details

Council utilises the services of a contract Environmental Health Officer, who is available on a Thursday only, please contact the Shire of Beverley Office 9646 1200 for further details.

Noise Control

Both Council and the Police have responsibility for noise control in the Shire.

Noise nuisances come in many forms including:

  • Vehicles
  • Music
  • Parties
  • Construction/power tools
  • Animals (roosters, dogs etc)

There are legal provisions that limit noise levels and times allowed. Complaints can be made about annoying noise to Council's Environmental Officer during business hours. For after hours immediate action the police can be contacted to request action.

Pollution Control

Council's Environmental Health Officer deals with local issues relating to environment protection. This is the contact point for dealing with air, water, and ground pollution issues as well as noise (see Noise Control). This includes illegal dumping, asbestos disposal, smoke emissions, and the like. If however, a concern relates to spills requiring immediate containment and clean up such as road accidents the Fire & Rescue Service should be connected first.

Food Protection

Council's Environmental Health Officer is responsible for the Shire's food surveillance/protection activities.

All food businesses are now required to be registered (a fee may be applicable) and comply with a national set of standards. More information on this area may be obtained by going to www.foodstandards.gov.au and www.public.health.wa.gov.au/

Inspections of the entire Shire's food shops are carried out on a periodical basis.

Complaints about the quality of food purchased or consumed in the Shire can be made to the Environmental Health Officer on (08) 9646 1200

Water Sampling

The surveillance of the Shire's non-scheme water supply is carried out by the Environmental Health Officer.

This includes the testing of the water quality of the public pool, treated effluent re-use, and domestic rainwater. Tests can be carried out on request and may be subject to a cost depending on the number and complexity of tests required.

Infectious Disease Control

Communicable diseases are investigated at a local level by the Shire's Environmental Health Officer.

This is instigated by doctor's referral to the Health Department of WA once an infectious disease has been identified. This information is then referred onto Council's Environmental Officer to follow up on to find out through an interview process how the disease was caught if possible to prevent a wider spread and discover its cause. Further information on this subject can be found at www.public.health.wa.gov.au